Wednesday, November 3, 2010

November Madness

March is a crazy time of year for basketball players/fans...and November is too often a crazy time of year for wives and mothers.  Why?  Year after year, we know it's coming...year after year we promise ourselves that this year we'll be more organized and better prepared.  Year after year we battle grandmas, mother in laws and other forces of familial nature that threaten our integrity and self confidence as chef extraordinaire.  Why?  Is their turkey really that perfect?  Is their stuffing so fragrant and flavorful?  Do their mashed potatoes really make the world go round?  Or maybe it's not the cooking that gives you November nightmares...maybe it's the table...or worse, your entire harvest-time motif!

Whatever the case may be, there may be a solution yet.  Join with me in a month-long Thanksgiving discussion...all the way from planning and preparation to Black Friday sales.  What are your fears?  What are you looking forward to?  Any great menu ideas?  What are your horror stories? 

In the comment section below share, share, share away!  Perhaps if we battle the beast together, we'll be better together, die alone...right?
